About Us

Hi there! Glad you found us! I know what you’re thinking, omg this is just another jewelry shop, big deal?! Well you are absolutely right, but we like to think of ourselves as a tad bit unique. At the end of the day, how many do you know that has the ambitious bucket list goal of taking a picture in front of all 50 U.S. state signs, and had their wedding be done in a national park?

Run by Abby and Bing, we are a husband/wife duo running the show behind the scenes. As avid nature and outdoor lovers, a good selection of our pieces reflect some aspect of nature, and we prioritize the jewelry handmaking process to reflect such beauty in our high quality pieces. Nature gives people a sense of relaxation, we want to mirror that sentiment through jewelry. With each passing season, we also add pieces in with our traditional mix.

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you soon!

With love xoxo